ഹരിപ്രഭ hariprabha

കരാരവിന്ദേന പദാരവിന്ദം മുഖാരവിന്ദേ വിനിവേശയന്തം വടസ്യ പത്രസ്യ പുടേ ശയാനം ബാലം മുകുന്ദം മനസാ സ്മരാമി!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

One more posting...

welcome to my first blog. I suppose that the whole world should read this blog.
One day my friend and me was playing in the basement but the other children were saying there is a gost in the basement but we don't belive it and then the real gost has came and we both are running away. Then i was telling about this gost....

I am feeling sleeping.

hariprabha arrives....

Hello, welcome to my first blog.